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The 22nd International Trade Fair: show the world the most “trendy” new industrial technology


The 22nd China International Industrial Expo, the first national industrial exhibition held in China under the normal epidemic prevention and control, was held in Shanghai. From September 15 to 19, more than 2200 exhibitors from home and abroad will gather at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai). The Expo will not only once again become a window to observe the trend of global manufacturing industry, but also let the outside world fully see the confidence and vitality of industrial enterprises facing the future development.


More than 2200 Chinese and foreign enterprises participated in the exhibition, covering an area of 245000 square meters. In terms of new technology and new products, exhibitors from all over the world have chosen China Industrial Expo as a platform to show their own strength. This new product launch is particularly intensive. Abb, fanaco, Shanghai Electric, Xinao power, Dongtu technology, etc. will bring their global first products to the show; a number of domestic products, such as SAIC Group, Hongshan laser, BYD, Haier, boss, Jinfa technology, etc Leading enterprises in manufacturing technology will show the achievements of new projects to fill the gaps in China and break the blockade of technology monopoly.

The first national industrial exhibition after the normalization of epidemic prevention and control. In the face of COVID-19’s crisis, China has proved to the world that robots have made important contributions to the industry and society in 3 months. At the same time, the combination of robot with artificial intelligence, big data, 5g and other new technologies has greatly promoted the application of 5g high-tech in cloud Internet, cloud video interaction, cloud office, etc. All these will be presented.

At the Expo, a number of robot exhibitors showed visitors cloud platform and AI E + e algorithm can help robots, factories and industrial parks transform from extensive management to digital and intelligent management. Like “smart housekeeper”, it can realize comprehensive query and monitoring of detailed information of important indicators such as people, objects, events and safety, and provide intelligent comprehensive solutions and services for people, vehicles, security, equipment, environment and energy.


Using live broadcast to highlight the development of new formats
The International Conference on innovation and the development of emerging industries will focus on the principle of “less but better, creating brand”. It will adopt the “1 + 8” mode: 1. The main forum will be moved to the National Convention and Exhibition Center for the first time to be held in conjunction with the Expo. It will invite world-renowned scholars and entrepreneurs for open exchanges. 8, namely eight special conferences, will focus on integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing, new materials, green and low-carbon, modern transportation engineering, innovative design and digital creativity, and carry out professional high-end dialogue and exchange of ideas. In addition, development forum, science and Technology Forum, industry and Enterprise Forum will be held this year.


It is worth noting that the new exhibition mode of “offline oriented and online supplemented” will be adopted in the Expo. Through 5g live broadcast, virtual exhibition hall and other new Internet technologies, the online platform of the Expo will be newly built, and the “online Expo” will be opened for the first time to realize the organic integration of online and offline exhibition. At the same time, the booth is equipped with commentators to explain the products and technology exhibition one by one for live users.

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